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High Street Branch

195 High Street, Perth, PH1 5UN

01738 443 667
Mon-Fri 9am-5:30pm (closed 1pm-2pm) | Sat 9am-5pm (closed 1pm -2pm)

North Methven Street Branch

43-51 North Methven Street, PH1 5PX
01738 624 843
Mon-Fri 9am-5:30pm (closed 12noon-1pm) | Sat 9am-1pm

Manage your Repeat Medication with our App – High Street Branch

Order & track your NHS Prescription repeats easily & securely !

Stay on top of your daily medications with daily alarms and refill reminders

Manage your dependants repeat medication under one account.

Engage with our Pharmacy team through a variety of services at your fingertips

Click on or scan the QR Code to download the High Street Repeat Prescription App


QR code High St


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